Cutting Corona Virus Patients'off Oxygen :-(
One day, I was on call at the hospital. Around 3 pm, a coronavirus patient was discharged from the hospital to home. Patient has developed complications secondary to corona virus infection which caused him to be dependent on oxygen at home for an extended period of time. An oxygen dispensing bottle was delivered to him in the hospital to assure a smooth transition back home. Meanwhile, the patient has developed a phobia and anxiety to lack of oxygen because each time his blood oxygen level falls; he develops what he calls a « fit » which is an equivalent to asphyxiation. He was refusing to leave the hospital bed despite that his oxygen bottle was right next to him. Everybody tried to convince him with no success. I was getting ready to enter Covid Unit as I was putting on my personal protective equipment to try to solve the issue. However, doctor Monster was insisting many times on cutting him off the oxygen so he would leave the hospital. I had no hesitation what so ev...