
Showing posts from November, 2020

Cutting Corona Virus Patients'off Oxygen :-(

  One day, I was on call at the hospital. Around 3 pm, a coronavirus patient was discharged from the hospital to home. Patient has developed complications secondary to corona virus infection which caused him to be dependent on oxygen at home for an extended period of time. An oxygen dispensing bottle was delivered to him in the hospital to assure a smooth transition back home. Meanwhile, the patient has developed a phobia and anxiety to lack of oxygen because each time his blood oxygen level falls; he develops what he calls a « fit » which is an equivalent to asphyxiation. He was refusing to leave the hospital bed despite that his oxygen bottle was right next to him. Everybody tried to convince him with no success. I was getting ready to enter Covid Unit as I was putting on my personal protective equipment to try to solve the issue. However, doctor Monster was insisting many times on cutting him off the oxygen so he would leave the hospital. I had no hesitation what so ev...

Nov. 22, 2020. Celebrating one year of blogging!

Today, I am celebrating one year of blogging. It started exactly a year ago on November 22, 2019  when I finally had time to ask a dear friend to help me start it. My friend has suggested blogging prior to that when he saw my frustration mounting while working for the public health system in Tunisia in order to get my United States Training recognized. He saw the weekly posts on my personal account in Facebook. I  was appalled with what I was experiencing on a daily basis. Lack of professionalism was the main things I reported on. I continue to report because the 2 years of equivalency were extended by an other 6 months (an unfair do-over rotation). This do-over rotation is helping me find material for the blog. It seems like I am never running out of ideas for as long as I am in this closed system. The idea of writing this blog turned out to be brilliant. I discovered many talents I never thought I had. I am joining a pool of very few international physicians (US, Canada, UK,...

Government? Heh? Episode 2.

  Pour tous les Tunisiens qui ne font que suivre la France aveuglement, voici ce qui se passe en France. La France a une economie, une structure sociale, une population et beaucoup d`autres facteurs qui font que les solutions sur le terrains Tunisiens doivent etre adaptees au peuple. Chez nous tout les responsables doivent passer devant la justice y compris les ministres, les membres du parlement, le personel medical et toute personne qui a commis un crime vis s vis du peuple Tunisien. France: perquisitions chez le ministre de la Santé dans l'enquête sur la gestion de la crise sanitaire Paris | Une série de perquisitions s’est déroulée jeudi aux domiciles et bureaux du ministre français de la Santé Olivier Véran, ainsi que chez d’anciens membres du gouvernement, dont l’ex premier ministre Édouard Philippe, dans le cadre d’une enquête sur la gestion de la crise du coronavirus en France.   • À lire aussi:  Tous les développements de la pandémie de COVID-19 Ces opérations in...

Come on people. Ep 2.

Today November 11, 3202, Tunisia has recorded 148 deaths per million inhabitants secondary to corona virus infection, While in Algeria the death rate is of 46 per million. This makes the Tunisian death rate 3 times higher than the Algerian. Furthermore, Tunisia has 11 million people while Algeria has 4 times more people with its 44 million inhabitants. Algerians were able to halt the infection in a country larger than Tunisia (Algeria is the largest country in Africa). It is actually a harder task (controlling an infection in an extended country with a large population). Congratulations Algeria. The pride that I hold for our brothers in Algeria is unlimited. Algeria is the country most similar to Tunisia (we are almost one country and one people). We share the same ethnic background, the same 2 official languages Arabic and French, the same religion, the same history and the same traditions and customs. However they are far ahead of us on many levels; they are more patriotic, more nati...

Silencing the victims. Is it possible ?

  Dans le cadre de ce stage d`équivalence, on a insisté à me montrer comment on viole la loi. Et on a aussi voulu me montrer comment on obtient le silence des individus par les menaces et le harcèlement pour cacher ses crimes. Pendant cette pandémie au Covid 19, les Tunisiens   sont entrain de mourir d`une manière disproportionnée, le nombre de morts qu`on est entrain d`enregistrer dans les hôpitaux en témoigne. Même si on harcèle les gens en évoquant le soit disant « droit de réserve » qui n`existe même pas dans la loi tunisienne, il ya des lois qui priment tel que   la loi du 3 Juin 1966 punit par 5 ans de prison et une amende toute personne Tunisienne qui par son action cause un délit contre l`intégrité de toute personne. Les statistiques peuvent très bien ajuster des paramètres (âge, sexe, niveau socio-économique) et peuvent montrer l`excès de mortalité dues aux négligences médicales dans le secteur public. Même si les gens ne parlent pas, les chiffres von...