Nov. 22, 2020. Celebrating one year of blogging!

Today, I am celebrating one year of blogging. It started exactly a year ago on November 22, 2019  when I finally had time to ask a dear friend to help me start it. My friend has suggested blogging prior to that when he saw my frustration mounting while working for the public health system in Tunisia in order to get my United States Training recognized. He saw the weekly posts on my personal account in Facebook. I  was appalled with what I was experiencing on a daily basis. Lack of professionalism was the main things I reported on. I continue to report because the 2 years of equivalency were extended by an other 6 months (an unfair do-over rotation). This do-over rotation is helping me find material for the blog. It seems like I am never running out of ideas for as long as I am in this closed system.

The idea of writing this blog turned out to be brilliant. I discovered many talents I never thought I had.
I am joining a pool of very few international physicians (US, Canada, UK, India and many other countries) who run their own blogs reaching out to millions of  patients, colleagues and reaching out to the general public, thus serving the main mission of our humanitarian work.

This blog have drawn the attention of many people from all over the world: my main audience is from Tunisia, US and Canada. However, others are from many other countries such as Germany, Senegal, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, India. 

Within last year, I have published 44 articles pertaining  mainly to medical related subjects.  A summer break of 8 weeks between July 1st and Sept 1st is necessary. This break comes from the heightened intensity of the medical work in summer. 
The article that draw most attention is entitled "Coronavirus Treatment Cost" published on May 3rd, 2019. It was viewed 81 times. 

The show must go on. And I would continue this practice of writing down my thoughts, feelings, experience, advises, journalism and reporting.

I am so grateful for everyone who has participated from far or close to the success of this endeavor.
I am grateful to my audience from all over the world.


Aujourd`hu je cĂ©lèbre une annĂ©e de blogging. Ca a commencĂ© exactement il y a un an le 22 Novembre 2020 quand j`ai finalement eu un peu de temps pour demander a un ami a m`aider Ă  dĂ©marrer ce blog. Cet ami a suggĂ©rĂ© d`Ă©crire sur un blog bien longtemps avant le lancement. Il a vu ma frustration monter lors de mon travail dans la sante publique en Tunisie pour obtenir l`Ă©quivalence de mon diplĂ´me de spĂ©cialitĂ© obtenu aux Ă©tats unis. Il a vu les articles hebdomadaires que je publiais sur mon compte prive Facebook.  J`ai Ă©tĂ© et je suis scandalisĂ©e par le vĂ©cu quotidien durant ce stage, le manque de professionnalisme Ă©tait le sujet de discussion principal. Je continue Ă  rapporter puisque les 2 ans d`Ă©quivalence ont Ă©tĂ© prolonge de 6 mois encore. On me fait refaire injustement 6 mois. Ce stage additionnel de 6 mois me donne de la substance Ă  reporter (des sujets Ă  discuter). Les idĂ©es l`air de pas  tarir tant que je suis dans ce système clos.


L`idée d`initier ce blog s`est avérée brillante puisque j`ai découvert beaucoup de mes talents qui m`étaient cachés.

Ainsi je rejoins un groupe restreint de médecin bloggeurs internationaux (les Etats Unis, le Canada, le Royaume Unis, l`Inde …) qui dirigent leur propres blogs accédant ainsi à des millions de patients, collègues et le grand public en général. Ils servent ainsi la mission principale de notre travail humanitaire.

Mon blog a attiré l`attention de beaucoup d`individus du monde entier, la masse vient de la Tunisie, les Etats Unis et le Canada. Cependant beaucoup d`autres personnes s`y intéressent de l`Allemagne, la France, le Sénégal, l`Algérie, les Emirats Arabes Unis, l`Inde etc.


Durant l`annĂ©e dernière,  j`ai publie 44 articles essentiellement en rapport avec des sujets mĂ©dicaux.  Une pause de 8 semaines pendant l`Ă©tĂ© s`est imposĂ©e du 1er juillet au 1 Septembre vu la nature du travail mĂ©dical qui augmente pendant la saison estivale.


L`article qui a attirĂ© le plus d`attention est intitulĂ© “ Coronavirus Treatment Cost Â» publie le 3 May 2019 avec 81 vues.


The show must go on. Et je persĂ©vère dans la pratique de reporter sur mes pensĂ©es, mes sentiments,  mon expĂ©rience, mes conseils et mes tĂ©moignages.


Je suis reconnaissante à tous ceux qui ont participé de prés ou de loin au succès de cet effort. Je suis reconnaissance à mon audience du monde entier.



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