Is it hard to be clean episode 2.

Il est parfois important de revisiter et reévaluer quelques questions posées au passé. Cette pandémie nous pousse à  revoir beaucoup de pratiques et même les rejeter sans retour en arrière.
Le 12 Janvier 2020, j`ai publié sur ce blog un article concernant l'hygiène des médecins en Tunisie.
Il se passait qu`une résidente s`est faite signer un certificat de maladie de 2 semaines d`un collègue psychiatre car j'ai pas voulu lui donner ma bouteille d`eau (vu mon apprentissage dans un pays étranger ou on ne partage pas sa bouteilles ou son verre d`eau) .
Cette pandémie nous apprend que, tout le monde doit acquérir le droit à une hygiène correcte. Tout le monde ne doit pas être exposé à un risque infectieux inutile suite à l'ignorance et la négligence des autres. Les conséquences peuvent coûter très chères à l'individu et à la société.
It is sometimes necessary to revisit and reevaluate certain past issues. this pandemic is pushing us to reflect on certain practices and even dismiss them without considering looking back ever again.
On january 12th 2020, I published an article on this blog discussing the hygiene of some Tunisian physicians.
On of the resident in my equivalency program went to see a psychiatrist who prescribed a 15 days sick leave because I declined to give her my water bottle so she can drink ( i acted out of reflex I acquired in the US. I was taught not to share my water bottle or my glass).
This pandemic is teaching us that standard precautions and hygiene should be every one`s right. No one should be exposed to unnecessary infectious risk because of the ignorance and he negligence of others. Consequences of such behavior could be costly to the individual and society.

Quelques points de non retour qui se présentent:

Ne pas donner son verre a une autre personne est respecté et sacré.
Ne pas tousser éternuer ou cracher en public et proximité d'autres personnes est une pratique courante.
Laver ses mains lorsqu'on touche des surfaces souillées est un réflexe.
Et surtout émettre un certificat médical de complicité par d'autres collègues (surtout les psychiatres) doit être proscrit.
Aucun médecin aussi petit ou grand qu'il soit (etudiant, interne, resident ou autre) ne voit un pratique d`hygiène correcte comme une pratique choquante aberrante qui nécessite une visite au psychiatre.

Non return point that need to be considered:
Not sharing your water bottle and your galss should be a respected and sacred desicion.
Not coughing, sneezing or spitting in public should be a common pracice.
Hand washing after touching contaminated surfaces should be a reflex.
Issuing a sick leave for no plausible reasons should be prohibited.
All physicians whether in training (student, intern or resident) or not should familiarize themselves with standard hygiene practices and integrate them in their professional lives. These practices should not lead them to seek psychiatric attention.
Si les pays étrangers sont arrivés à ce point d'hygiène et de discipline avant nous, c`est parce qu'ils étaient exposés a des événements déterminants dans leur histoire. J'ai commencé mon résidanat dans la ville de NY en 2002. Les mémoires étaient encore fraîches des supplices vécus pendant l'épidémie du HIV/AIDS. Bien que cette maladie virale était plus contrôlée il y a 20 ans, des moments difficiles se sont passés et des leçons inoubliables se sont incrustés dans les esprits. Ces gens intelligents n'ont pas délaissé les bonnes habitudes apprises et les ont inculqués à leur etudiants.

If foreign countries reached such level of hygiene and discipline ahead of us, it is because they endured key events in their history. In 2002 when I started my residency in the city of NY, memories were still fresh of the ordeal lived during the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Difficult moments and unforgettable lessons were etched on people's minds even though the epidemic was under control. These intelligent people did not forget good hygiene practices and taught them to their students.

It is sometimes necessary to revisit and reevaluate certain past issues. this pandemic is pushing us to reflect on certain practices and even dismiss them without considering looking back ever again.
On January 12th 2020, I published an article on this blog discussing the hygiene of some Tunisian physicians.
On of the resident in my equivalency program went to see a psychiatrist who prescribed a 15 days sick leave because I declined to give her my water bottle so she can drink ( i acted out of reflex I acquired in the US. I was taught not to share my water bottle or my glass).
This pandemic is teaching us that standard precautions and hygiene should be every one`s right. No one should be exposed to unnecessary infectious risk because of the ignorance and he negligence of others. Consequences of such behavior could be costly to the individual and society.

Points of non return that need to be considered:
Not sharing your water bottle and your glass should be a sacred and respected decision.
Not coughing, sneezing or spitting in public should be a common practice.
Hand washing after touching contaminated surfaces should be a reflex.
Issuing a sick leave for no plausible reasons should be prohibited.
All physicians whether in training (student, intern or resident) or not, should familiarize themselves with standard hygiene practices and integrate them in their professional lives. These practices should not lead them to seek psychiatric attention.

If foreign countries reached such level of hygiene and discipline ahead of us, it is because they endured key events in their history. In 2002 when I started my residency in the city of NY, memories were still fresh of the ordeal lived during the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Difficult moments and unforgettable lessons were etched on people's minds even though the epidemic was under control. These intelligent people did not forget good hygiene practices and taught them to their students.


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