Cost of Covid 19 vccination.
Since Tunisia government is made on incompetent who waste their time resting in idleness, people of Tunisia need to mobilize. They should demand an early start to Covid 19 vaccination campaign (earlier than planned). They should not wait till March 2020 to purchase the vaccine and till April to effectively start vaccinating. Corona virus vaccination is an emergency for the following reasons: -The death toll is increasing. -Economy is suffering -Virus mutations are unpredictable. Some mutations will make the production of a second virus necessary. The profit that would be made from vaccinating early will cover the cost of vaccination and there will be an excess monetary gain. Profit will be made on saving lives then it will be made on restarting the economy quickly. The choice of the vaccine will depend on many characteristics: -Cost (As of today, there are 3 vaccines available and there will be more. Competition will drive the cost down). -Need to have a sophisticated refrigeratio...