Nurses getting infected.
Recently, I came to observe a strange phenomenon in Tunisian hospitals. After their shift work, nurses assigned to Covid unit remove their personal protective equipments and get together at the cafe next to the hospital. They sit tightly next to each other without any precautions: no social distancing and no mask wearing. It is winter, and in order to keep warm they sit near each other. It is under the watch of these nurses that Covid patients are experiencing the toughest predicaments. The sickest patients get admitted to the hospital. Each hospitalized patient needs to be isolated, needs oxygen and needs intravenous medications. Some overcome the viral infection and some die. If these nurses are so much involved with direct contact with these patients and are so much aware of these patients suffering and cannot comprehend the risk they are taking, there must be a problem. Worldwide, viral transmission within health care professionals (HCP) is high. It is the nature of the job: ...